
Showing posts from January, 2014

Anime First Impressions - Winter 2014

It's a new year and with that brings an all-new season of anime. Coming off the heels of a fantastic Fall season, I was nervous and skeptical that this upcoming roster of new anime would leave me disappointed. Boy, was I wrong! From over-the-top shounen anime, to small-form comedy anime, and even some incredibly weird and disturbing shows too, this season is looking to be one of the greats! Here's my rundown of the premier episodes for just 10 of the anime I'm watching this season. D-Frag! What starts out as a high school slice of life quickly gets much crazier. While normally I can't stand to watch any slice of life anime, D-Frag!'s comedy wins me over so much so that I can't stop watching. Having so many plot twists and spit take moments in just the first episode, the writing will keep laughing moment to moment. The show is fast-paced, sometimes illogical, and definitely crazy, but it's a roller-coaster ride of Japanese-life satire, nerdy cul...